Hey, honey, I’m ho-o-me.

woman with suitcaseTwo years is a long time to be dead.  Not that I was exactly dead, but most of the time except towards the end, I felt like it.  And I worried…about my blogs.   I had no creativity and little energy left.  This is the only time I’ll tell this tale.

My appendix had been taken out when I was small…or so I thought.  Turned out that it was my adenoids that went missing when I was a baby.  And then, as a ripe, mature adult, my appendix decided to make itself known.  It exploded.

And I died.The surgeon admitted he hadn’t thought I was going to survive.  Part of the problem was the fact that my appendix was a foot or so away from the usual sane position and twisted slightly from its original shape.  It had spewed poison into my interior cavity causing many of my vitals to malfunction.

I was in the OR for six hours, and the surgeon was on the verge of giving up.  But he tried one more thing…an extra pair of hands from another surgeon at the hospital where he practiced.  After another four or so hours, they finally admitted they had done all they could and sewed me up.

When I woke up, not only was the physical pain incredible, but because the pain meds I had been on had caused a build-up, the dam blew and I kind of went off my rocker.  The staff had to restrain me and finally decided I truly couldn’t stand the pain.  They induced a coma, and I slept in happy, unknowing bliss until they woke me up five days later.

The hospital owned me for months.  I was dehydrated and had IVs for that.  I also was low on several necessary vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, especially Magnesium.

Did you know that Magnesium is vital to life?  No, neither did I.  According to the Doctor Axe website:

Magnesium is arguably the most important mineral in the body, which is why magnesium deficiency can be such an issue.

According to Norman Shealy, MD, Ph.D, an American neurosurgeon and a pioneer in pain medicine, “Every known illness is associated with a magnesium deficiency and it’s the missing cure to many diseases.” Not only does magnesium help regulate calcium, potassium and sodium, but it’s essential for cellular health and a critical component of over 300 biochemical functions in the body.

Even glutathione, your body’s most powerful antioxidant that has even been called “the master antioxidant,” requires magnesium for its synthesis. Unfortunately, most people are not aware of this, and millions suffer daily from magnesium deficiency without even knowing it.

I had to learn to live all over again…things like feeding myself, going to the bathroom, dressing myself, sitting down, standing up, and eventually, slowly and carefully, walking.  I fell many times, the last being in March of 2017, where I blacked out momentarily, toppled, and cleverly stopped the fall with my face.  So far I have lost eight teeth–six right at the time, and two more afterwards, loosened by the fall but not falling out until later.  The Yorkton specialist charges over $4,000 just to extract the remaining teeth.  Health Care pays some, leaving over $1500 for us.  Then there is the enormous cost of false teeth, with no guarantee that my sensitive mouth can stand the pressure of the plates.

Nearly two years later, here I am.  My surgery area has healed up, I can walk, feed myself graciously, and talk without stumbling over the words.  I go to the hospital as an outpatient twice a week for magnesium infusions.  My levels have finally started rising, as have my other deficiencies.  I am starting to enjoy life once again.

And I can write.  This blog is important to me because it is the first piece of writing (other than emails and grocery lists) I have written in two years.  I’m a little rusty, so thank you for having patience with me and reading this far.  I can’t say how often I will write, but I am aiming for at least once a month, if not more often.  Starting out slow and easy, my first few attempts will be book reviews…and I have read some awesome books lately.

Thank you so much for dropping by.  I’ve missed you.

About Sandra Bell Kirchman

My passion is for fiction, especially fantasy fiction. I have been writing nearly all my life, since the age of 7 when I produced a 5-page novel called "Angus the Ant" - self-illustrated. My most recent novel WITCHCANERY is not about an ant and is available at most online booksellers. "Witchcanery" has won several awards and has met with modest, yet enthusiastic, acclaim from readers around the world. I've also edited and published an anthology for the writers at my site FantasyFic.com, called "Birth of a Unicorn and Other Stories," including short stories by fantasy novelist Stephanie Cresswell. Both books are available on Kindle; the latter is also available on Nook. Both books are sold as hard copies at most major online outlets as well as being available as paperbacks. One of my later ventures was horror stories; surprisingly, since horror stories scare me, I find I have a special affinity for them, especially in flash fiction format (under 1000 or less words). Currently, I am working on two WIPs, one a sequel to "Witchcanery," which several readers have made me promise to write; the other an apocalyptic novel called "The Road to the End of the World." There are several examples of this latter novel in my blog "Fantasyfic," formerly known as "Wizards and Ogres and Elves - Oh My!" Fantasyfic is on hold temporarily, while I work on my other two sites--"News, Views, and Gurus," and the said "Fantasyfic.". My other blogs keep me hopping. One is a roundup of news and some fun pieces from around the world. It is listed under the name of "News, Views, and Gurus." My blog "Puppy Dog Tales" is an ongoing sometimes humorous account of my adventures as an avid pet parent and animal lover. My little Shih-Tzu Ling Ling and my long-haired Mexican chihuahua are the joys of my life...and so is my husband, but I don't write about him. Anyhow, my blog "Puppy Dog Tales" is a work of love, featuring my doggies and other pets around the world. I'm a devoted advocate of animal rights and especially backing the cause of animal rescue shelters. My wonderful husband and I live in a very small town in southeastern Saskatchewan on the south side in a rustic, cedar-sided home. Our property is almost a whole acre, and is gracious and pretty (which is not easy to be in one package). All four of us are happy here.

2 Responses to “Hey, honey, I’m ho-o-me.”

  1. So glad you survived that ordeal, Sandra! Good luck with your writing.


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